¡Recupere su piel de forma natural!
Soluciones totalmente naturales para que puedas recuperar tu piel. Te lo garantizamos o te devolvemos el dinero.
Nature Pure Life es el líder mundial en fórmulas naturales específicas para las erupciones cutáneas. Hemos estado perfeccionando nuestras fórmulas para devolverle su piel de manera natural.
Fórmulas supersuaves y deliciosas elaboradas con ingredientes botánicos que puedes pronunciar. Alivia la picazón y restaura la piel suave sin signos visibles de irritación.
Nuestras fórmulas Mediskinals combinan la sabiduría de los remedios antiguos con la ciencia moderna. ¿El resultado? Cremas específicas para las erupciones que realmente funcionan. Sin efectos secundarios ni trucos: solo beneficios calmantes, curativos y totalmente naturales.
¿Por qué elegir Nature Pure Life?
Somos rebeldes contra las erupciones cutáneas. Desde pitiriasis rosada hasta liquen plano, herpes zóster, eczema, herpes labial e incluso esas manchas que pican de forma aleatoria y aparecen sin que nadie las haya invitado. Lo tenemos cubierto. Literalmente.
Hidratación potente. ¿Piel seca, agrietada o cenicienta? No es algo que podamos hacer. Nuestras cremas son tan ricas en emolientes que dejarán tu piel suave y tersa.
La ciencia se encuentra con la naturaleza. No nos limitamos a arrojar plantas al azar en un frasco. Todos los ingredientes están respaldados por investigaciones de fuentes confiables como el NIH y el NCBI. ¡Investigamos para poder ofrecerle lo mejor que la ciencia moderna tiene para ofrecer!
Mediskinals: El equipo de ensueño de Cream
Seamos realistas: la medicina moderna lleva décadas durmiendo sobre las erupciones cutáneas. Las mismas recetas durante décadas, los mismos resultados decepcionantes. Por eso, tomamos el asunto en nuestras propias manos y realizamos pruebas en masa. Nos conectamos con una red mundial de personas que realmente sufrieron erupciones cutáneas (desde Australia hasta Argentina, desde Islandia hasta la India) para perfeccionar nuestras fórmulas. Decenas de miles de personas compartieron sus experiencias y las escuchamos. ¿El resultado? Fórmulas que realmente funcionan.
Detenga las erupciones antes de que aparezcan
¿Por qué limitarse a tratar las erupciones cutáneas cuando se pueden prevenir? Nuestras cremas de mantenimiento son como un guardaespaldas para su piel: microdosifican ingredientes botánicos para mantener a raya la inflamación, las manchas y los brotes. ¿Una piel suave y sin erupciones? ¡Sí, por favor!
¿Qué nos hace diferentes?
• Con poder natural: ingredientes de origen vegetal que se adaptan bien a tu piel.
•Resultados comprobados: Respaldado clínicamente, probado públicamente y amado en todo el mundo.
•Sin efectos secundarios: no contiene productos químicos agresivos, solo un alivio calmante. Solo asegúrate de no ser alérgico a ningún ingrediente.
•Una pizca de ingenio: Porque el cuidado de la piel no tiene por qué ser aburrido.
¡Hable con nosotros!
¿Tienes preguntas? ¿Reseñas? ¿Historias divertidas sobre sarpullidos? (Bueno, tal vez no la última). Nos encantaría saberlo.
¡De ti! Comparte tus pensamientos, fotos e historias de éxito: estamos atentos.
Tu piel, a tu manera
Dile adiós a las erupciones y dale la bienvenida a una piel más saludable y feliz. Con Nature Pure Life, no solo estás comprando una crema, sino que te estás uniendo a un movimiento. ¿A qué estás esperando? Vamos a hacer que vuelvas a sentirte increíble en tu propia piel.
Let customers speak for us
from 128 reviewsThis product worked right away for my daughter when everything else we tried failed. Shipping was fast which helped her feel better quickly. I’m so thankful for this product!

I've had a rash just like pityriasis rosea for the last 5 summers now and this stuff makes it disappear every single time. The rash is unbelievably itchy so much so I want to rip off my own skin. I'm so thankful to have found this product.

I placed my first order for two 4oz jars of PrrEze in mid-April, and it really helped to soothe and heal the rash on my torso that my NP diagnosed as pityriasis of unknown cause. By mid-June that area has healed, but now I've noticed some rash on my legs and arms, so I placed another order for two 4oz jars of PrrEze and was pleasantly surprised to receive two 8oz jars. The Nature Pure Life Family must have realized that this is my second order for 2 jars and that I'm currently still suffering from this rash.
Thanks for your generosity and kindness during my healing journey! :)

I was skeptical the first time I ordered this product but was desperate. Full blown case of Pityriasis Rosea and doctor couldn't tell me how to cure it. I read some reviews and took a chance. I'm one of the lucky ones who get this about once a year. I have now ordered several times and each time the product works great! I suggest keeping some on hand so you have it right away when you need it. I've found if I catch it early and coat my whole body with it a few times a day and let it soak in that by the third day it starts going away. Frank has been great to work with on my orders and I can't thank him enough for his help each time. Definitely recommend this product to anyone suffering from Pityriasis Rosea. It really works!

I was a little apprehensive to purchase the cream, do to the cost. I tried it and within a week I could see that the rash was fading and the itch was gone. Within 3 weeks, the rash is completely gone. I will keep buying this product as it is an absolute miracle. I haven't slept a full night in the last 8 months due to itching. I now sleep like a baby.

After years of Dr's telling me that the expensive creams and prednisone was my only option I became frustrated and started to do some research. I came across this website and decided it was worth a try..I was surprised how quick it began working. The purple bumpy rash we all know is finally going away..with this cream and some help from salt water and some sunshine the LP is almost gone..I've dealt with LP for 20 years on my shins and I can now wear shorts and not feel uncomfortable...Ty!!!

My husband has suffered with LP for 25+ years with no relief but lots of guesses from doctors about what “might” help. Truly a guessing game for the doctors. Out of desperation I started doing research and by a miracle I came across your site. My husband hates lotions so started out with a small patch on his leg. When he got home from work he told me that his leg didn’t itch that day. We thought it was just luck but it wasn’t. This is the FIRST product that has ever worked!! Thank you so much!! His skin is better but the rash is still there but the insane itching has subsided. Yay!!

This will be my 3rd time having PR but only the second time having this amazing cream/oil I worked last time within a week of getting it this time I have used it as soon as the herald patch arrived and it keeps the itch at bay and it is fading already. Luckily I had some left from last time but have ordered more so I have it in case there is a next time which I hope not. Thank you so much for making this what a relief it gives as pr feels as bad as prickly heat. :)

I had a very bad case. I used a 4 oz jar, and it is almost completely faded. It was practically covering my entire trunk. The newer parts of the rash have faded faster than others. I just placed a second order. This is now an essential in my nighttime routine.

My daughter was STRUGGLING with pityriasis rosacea sooooo bad. I bought every cream, spray, allergy pill, oatmeal bath stuff available and nothing, I mean nothing was touching what she had. I was on the phone with the doctors and they just said to do everything I was already doing. Beyond frustrating. My daughter was scratching herself to death and couldn’t sleep...it was horrible. My sister found this cream online with great reviews. I was hopeful but would not be surprised if it didn’t work. I’m thrilled to tell you it’s working!!!!! We are only on day 3 and the rash decreased. They aren’t open sores everywhere like it was before. The sensation to itch has decreased as well. I’m sad to think people are suffering like we were, BUT this will provide immense relief!!!!! I can’t THANK YOU enough!!! My advise is to forget the trial size and SUPER size!!

This needs to be in the stores all the doctored give is steroids that stuff is bad for you like I’m really PLEASED like this is amazing
You guys are angels I started with a 1 ounce I just ordered and 8 just in case I am BEYOND RELIEVED!!!!! Thank you

Smells good, works great, made in the USA. Takes care of my sore muscles after my workouts like nothing else has.

This stuff truly has been the best relief for my skin. I’ve never seen a steroid calm my skin down like this cream is doing for it!! I’m going on my 4th week and into my second 16oz jar. Very faithful with putting it on morning and night. All my scales are smooth and a pale pink instead of inflamed and flakey.

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